Imagineering…! Engineering Imagination

Since the very beginning, imagination is the part of the progress of our lives. It is the power of imagination that has always led to the creation of remarkable structures and theories may it be in the area of computer science, aviation technology, healthcare, understanding people etc. It’s the imagination that has helped to create the number of possibilities to achieve the milestones which once seemed to be difficult to realize.

Most of the times, unreachable imagination seems to be alluring, but such thoughts can be molded to their practical existence with a proper application of knowledge and yes, Engineering!

What if Engineering can be brought about with Imagination?

Circumventing the insignificant and coming to the discussion, I believe, Engineering with Imagination should be the key to achieving higher accomplishments.

In short, Engineering + Imagination leads to “Imagineering”.

Very creative term, isn’t it?

Learning Engineering with a very minimum understanding of how to implement it in practicality would actually not worth more. In fact, understanding comes with positive imagination. Thereby, not only Engineering but “Imagineering” can help achieve more than just Engineering!

The term Imagineering is the most respected and widely practiced in “Walt Disney Inc”, of course, we are closely familiar with this corporation…!


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